Thursday, 4 September 2014

Be our rainbows

It's been a long time since Lauren and I have posted on our blog.

Have we had lots to say?  Sure.  But I think we both had a bit of a rough summer in some regards when it came to the wait for adoption.  Maybe it's because we feel we've been stuck in a loop, and although we kept manifesting different things in our lives to try and bring the adoption to the next step, of course nothing has happened.  There are so many days where I think we are afraid to blog because we don't want to alienate people from the process because they read into our pain and it drives them away.

We know that many people who we know close to us have found it difficult to talk to us about the adoption, or talk to us at all.  Maybe it's because you might have kids of your own, and you feel bad for the state we are in, or the blog is too difficult to read, or you're not sure what to say because you assume we're just depressed until a baby comes into our lives.

Here is a quote from one of the most brilliant writers of our time that rings true:

Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud.

~ Maya Angelou

Yes, it is hard, and yes we get sad staring at an empty crib some days, and yes sometimes we don't want to leave our house.  But I think what has lifted us up the most is people asking us how things are, letting us interact and play with their kids, really being any form of support and positive light in our lives.

We need more rainbows, because some days get pretty cloudy.

So know that when you ask us about the adoption, it really makes us smile.  When you ask us about the baby's room, or the birth-mom, or how the process works... it warms our hearts.  When we hug our friend's kids or nieces and nephews... it gives us such a special gift that we cherish.

Thank you to all you who read our blog and follow our story.  And for many who don't know what to say or how to be, just talking with us is all you need to do, or don't hesitate to hug us too, because we love hugs  :)

We appreciate all the love and support that we get, because every bit of it makes us stronger, and shows us the light to what our beautiful future will be like.

Jason & Lauren

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