Thursday 4 October 2012

Other Adoption stories!

I follow a lot of blogs. I love them as I am a blogger I feel it is great to read about others doing the same life path as you. My faves are ART and ADOPTING. of course!!!

I follow this one blog, and they have a match. The adoptive mother is in the delivery room right now. Perfect scenario, actually being able to be a part of your baby's path into the world.  I hope I am as blessed as she is. I loved watching my niece come into this world and not being able to experience the birth, I want to be on the other end. I will take what comes but if I could choose my path (we all know we can't) that is what I would choose. When I started reading it I was happy for them and knowing that this is possible, then my emotions took over, I started to cry and wonder when? Then I realised it will happen for us, just like them. They have been 'adopting' since last November, and just got a baby. So if we look at timing that is 10 months or so, also in the US. As humans we compare, pregnant Mom's compare their stories all the time. I find myself comparing my adoption journey with other adoption journeys.

I am so grateful that I have a chance to become a mother, and will be so thankFULL and honoured when a birth mom chooses me to parent their baby. One of the biggest gifts I will ever receive.

For this mother who is experiencing something we only imagine in our minds and want so badly, I feel so happy for her, and cannot wait until it is my turn. I can only dream of what she feels like, the chance to be a mom, and seeing it right in front of her, so close to her embrace. One day you are hoping and dreaming and the next day your in the delivery room. How exciting!!!

Wish you all the joy and happiness in these precious moments Hart Family!


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