Sunday, 10 April 2016

An end to Owen's Adoption Story

As Owen celebrated his first birthday today, we looked back at the incredible year that was - but also at our entire journey over the years that brought him to us and made our family complete.

A journey that began with a lot of hope, and with the help, love, and support of our close family and friends - we endured the wait to have Owen come home.

So this week we've not only celebrated our son's first birthday, but the courage & love of our birth-mother, the support from our family, and the miracle that open adoption truly is for everyone involved.


But we feel that Owen's adoption story is now at an end.  We've blogged about the experience to help ourselves through the process, but also hopefully shed more light and helped others in learning about open adoption.  We will keep the blog up online, so that it can continue to be a source of enlightenment about adoption, and something that we will always be able to read and fondly remember.

And thank *you*, the readers and supporters of our adoption blog.  Your kind words and comments have always meant the most to us - whether they were in our times of struggle, or in our times of joy.

Now, we enter the happiest times of our lives.  Our hearts are complete, and little O will continue his adventures - growing up always knowing his incredible adoption story, and the loving people who made it all possible!


the Burns family  <3

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