Sunday 28 April 2013

Favourite things.

I want to hear from our family, friends and our loyal followers what they love about their kids. I do not want to hear that you LOVE them. I want to hear about habits, personality quirks, funny stories you will never forget. What makes you smile about them when you are not with them?

I also want to hear about the stories from parents of grown children. What do you remember about your kids growing up, What you cherish?



you can send your stories to and make sure you let us know if you we can share them or not.

This is one my Uncle Dick shared with me last year about my cousin Stephen.

As a family they would go to a farm to get their chickens. It was the 80's so things were not done they way they are now. Every time they would go to pick up the chickens the farmer's house was a mess. Not disgusting but always messy and especially the kitchen after they killed the chickens. On this particular time Stephen and Ryan had to go with their Dad. Uncle Dick had to tell Stephen not to say anything about how messy their house was. Stephen assured his Dad that he wouldn't say a thing. The pick up went okay, got the chickens, paid and they were on their way out when Stephen had one last thing to say. 

"Your house is very clean." 

Uncle Dick described that moment in such away that I would do it no justice but I could feel Uncle Dicks embarrassment almost 25 yrs later. Stephen did what his Dad asked him to do and not talk about how messy their home was so Uncle Dick said he couldn't really get mad at him.

One for that TV show Kids say the funniest things!!

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