Sunday, 28 April 2013

Favourite things.

I want to hear from our family, friends and our loyal followers what they love about their kids. I do not want to hear that you LOVE them. I want to hear about habits, personality quirks, funny stories you will never forget. What makes you smile about them when you are not with them?

I also want to hear about the stories from parents of grown children. What do you remember about your kids growing up, What you cherish?



you can send your stories to and make sure you let us know if you we can share them or not.

This is one my Uncle Dick shared with me last year about my cousin Stephen.

As a family they would go to a farm to get their chickens. It was the 80's so things were not done they way they are now. Every time they would go to pick up the chickens the farmer's house was a mess. Not disgusting but always messy and especially the kitchen after they killed the chickens. On this particular time Stephen and Ryan had to go with their Dad. Uncle Dick had to tell Stephen not to say anything about how messy their house was. Stephen assured his Dad that he wouldn't say a thing. The pick up went okay, got the chickens, paid and they were on their way out when Stephen had one last thing to say. 

"Your house is very clean." 

Uncle Dick described that moment in such away that I would do it no justice but I could feel Uncle Dicks embarrassment almost 25 yrs later. Stephen did what his Dad asked him to do and not talk about how messy their home was so Uncle Dick said he couldn't really get mad at him.

One for that TV show Kids say the funniest things!!

Monday, 22 April 2013

I like adoption....

I wish that it didn't matter if you had the money or not. To adopt internationally money would not be an issue. Adoption should be more accessible to everyone, so that orphans were not orphans for long. The wait would be the same but I would be able to adopt as many babies as I wanted, just as you were able to give birth to as many babies as you wanted.

That is my wish for today.


Sunday, 14 April 2013

!@#*$# $#@!**

I swear to much. I take the lords name in vain to much. I want to clean up my mouth. I am not against swearing and there is definitely time for a good ol'F bomb now and then. But sometimes I swear so much that I breath F bombs. Ok not that bad. Ok yes it is.

I am not doing this for my child, my mom or anyone else I just feel it is time to improve this area of ME.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, 6 April 2013


The past couple of years I have chosen a word of the year. This word describes challenges, inspirations and even motivation. This year my word is ENOUGH but lately I have realised I have another word. A word for Jason and I. CHANGE. It definitely describes where we are and where we are going. I feel we are in a holding pattern but everyday we keep changing. Which is a weird way to describe it but that is what we have.
We are the lucky ones that get to wait for our baby, we have been given time to consider what we want to be as parents, who we will be as Mom and Dad. How will I raise my child to be a good human being. That answer was easy, How I will do that is be one myself. My parents, along with Jason's gave us the basics, morals and values that still to this day I hold close and follow in my daily life. But with this time I have gone far beyond those basics.
I have also learned life can be taken from you very quickly. That devastation hurts and will continue to hurt forever. Disease and sickness is very apparent in our society and has become some what the norm when I look around. Given the time to wait we made the decision ENOUGH is ENOUGH, Janaury 8th we took the plunge. We threw out all processed foods, wheat and POP. We have made this promise to our child that we will be healthy and happier by CHANGING our way of life. Almost 3 months later Jason has lost a significant amount of weight and I have gained muscle and lost inches. With removing foods that cause disease and sickness we feel clearer, have more energy and happy about ourselves. Although we are still learning and battling old habits we have CHANGED for good. No going back.
Along this journey I have discovered what inspiration and motivation can really do for me. I have come to rely on both to get me to my fitness class everyday, to get me out of bed and wait for that phone call, to get my butt to work with a smile on my face, and to realise that everyday will turn out how you want it too. I can really see this change in me in my artwork. My art has never been so inspiring and it is because it comes from a true place in my soul. I am inspiring others along my journey to stay above the water.

With all this I am becoming a better person, friend, boss, daughter, Aunt, and one day Mother.