Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 7...12 Days of Adoption Christmas


A few months back I introduced you to 2 blogs I follow about Adoption. They both are now experiencing the joys of parenting. Very different stories but both equally inspiring
!I find the blogs to be mostly international adoption and mostly all families are a part of a church. I have  an understanding of the bible quotes, and little inspirations from church as we too are asking the world for a child. 

We ourselves are becoming better, I am making a concious effort to not swear any more, (I know Mom, your happy about that one), not judge and be happy with what I have. Those have been my promises to the world. If we are asking the world, the universe, God or whoever you think is listening to grace us with a child I must give back to the world some how. I must become better then I am for the child that we will be so honoured to parent. 

Hopefully as time goes on our promises to the world become bigger, become less about me,  as these families have done. I am inspired by them to do more for my world, for the children. I have yet to figure out where my path will lead me.


Here are some more blogs I just started to follow. So inspiring,

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