Monday, 17 June 2013

"Weighting" for Adoption

Seems like 2013 has brought along a lot of change so far while we are waiting for the adoption process to continue.  There have been lots of ups and downs emotionally, but one thing that keeps going down is our weight.  With continued clean eating habits, and regular exercise we are slowly starting to fade away.  

I was looking up photos from 2012 and thought I was looking at two different (and much older) people.  This healthy eating thing rules!  Although still haven't kicked coffee yet...

So hurry up baby, or there won't be anything left of us!    ;)

- Jason

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Friday, 14 June 2013



So being an artist I am sure we will be doing some of this around our house!!

The universe actually answered!!!!

I learned today that no matter how bad your feeling about your situation another new day can always change your perspective. Today I learned that life is unpredictable and things that you can't even imagine can happen in an instance.

There has been a window of fresh air open upon us and we are looking forward to things to come.

The Universe sent me my sign, and I know it hears me. Thank you, for a second there I wasn't sure you even knew I existed. I now know that you are listening and you will take good care of me.

I will wait as long as you need me to. I am ready for whatever you bring me.
Thank you, Universe, and all those who also spoke on my behalf!!


grateful, trust, love and hope

Thursday, 13 June 2013


One word I have learned to hate is CAN'T. I have always believed I can do what I want to do and I will do it how I want. The only time I use that word is in my cross fit class when I really have trouble doing something. I have tried to stop using that word because as time goes on I eventually manage to be successful. I am sick of the world telling me that I can't do something.

You CAN"T have children
You CAN'T be an artist 
You CAN'T see the people you want
You CAN'T buy a bigger house
You CAN'T leave your job and work full time on your ART, ( Marissa do not panic)
You CAN'T go on that trip
You CAN'T go on that art retreat
You CAN'T eat that
You CAN' have to wait!!!

This journey is filled with you can't do that now, hold on, wait until baby comes. 

If someone has any advice on how we can change that so are not is this CAN'T stage any more, we would love it!!!!

Ps, anyone want to buy our house!!!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

We aren't the only ones waiting for you!

An Answer to a question??????

We are always very grateful to our family, friends and friends of all of them for the support we get from everyone. We have received many emails with many questions and have responded to many. There has been one question we have gotten a few times from people, and even people just inquiring about how they should get started with adoption.

How are we paying for our adoption?

Some of you are offended and think that is no ones business. Maybe your right. Before our journey even started I wondered how people came up with the large amount of money needed to pay for adoption. I would research and discovered some answers. I never really got the answers I was needing to know how it worked or what ways it could be done. The only answers I really found were from blogs from the States and they would hold fundraisers. Yes, bake sales, car washes, etc.

For us that felt awkward. It was our choice to continue our journey to parenthood through adoption, so it was our responsibility to find a way. 

Before our journey was clear and we were in the fog of not knowing what was going on we were on and off again about buying a bigger house. We were also saving money for one day Lauren could open a business to be able to do her art full time. We had saved some money and at the end of 2011 we decided that we wanted a family more then a big house and Lauren could work and continue to build her art career at the same time.  We took our house off the market and continued to add money to our savings.

When we had our home study done we discovered that many families use many means to adopt. Credit card, home loans, fundraising and money from family are all options to many who want to adopt. We are very grateful that we live in a small house that we love and keep our expenses as low as we can. We live pretty well within our means and we can also save money for the adoption and baby. We chose to put our priorities in order and cut things out that were not as important. A big house, a business came secondary to having a family. 

That is how we are able to afford adoption. We are very open about our journey because we were at the beginning and looking for answers. I hope this helps all who asked that are researching adoption and are wondering if they can afford to adopt. 

Lauren and Jason