Sunday 12 August 2012

Weekend for Two

I was able to take the weekend off after a busy and hectic week at work, just so that LC and I can both spend some time together.  With the homestudy soon on the horizon we both are thinking about it a lot, but we were able to do lots of little things around the house and with each other to help keep our minds off it.

But before the weekend started off, I hopped into my car Friday morning to go to work and Lauren had already left an itinerary for our weekend for two in an envelope waiting on my steering wheel.  It was so sweet, but I didn't know what I was in for when I got home, talk about being pampered!  LC treated me to a home spa, glass of wine, meat & cheese tray... wow really felt like royalty!  Such an amazing feeling to have all that work done just for me.

Like I was saying though we crossed off a big project on our list, and that was to paint the baby's room.  The room was recently the "computer room", or "second bedroom", "office", "studio" etc. but now after some solid painting of the walls, trim, and more it now officially has become the baby's room!  Well... we do still have the computer in here, but with the newly painted walls, change table, crib, pictures, and everything else organized it's getting pretty darn close to being 100% ready for the little tike.  

Another cool project that Lauren did just today was painting the closet doors in our bedroom (which have always been just plain white).  Added a picture on here too just because I think they look so good.  Amazing what some light yellow paint, some stencils from the dollar store, and a brilliant/talented woman can do together!

So now the home-study is tomorrow already.  We have the day to kind of tidy things up around the house (but not too tidy) and prepare for one of the more important days of this entire process to get on the adoption list.  
But after a nice weekend of playing games, watching tv/movies, working on the house, having great food (and some wine!) and just being together it really gets us focused, centered, and prepared on who we are as a couple and how we can tackle this home-study meeting together.

- JB

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that closet door is so gorgeous! Love seeing the baby room come together. There is something so simple and sweet about a room once a crib is in it. I am praying positive thoughts and knowing this home study will go brilliantly. You are both such positive and kind people. The future will be so exciting for you!! xxxx
